

Everyone who works in the Netherlands by our agency, is given the annual report (so called Jaaropgaaf). On the basis of this document, you can settle the Dutch tax.

Dutch tax In order to settle Dutch tax, you need: • Jaaropgaafs from all Dutch employers and, if you received unemployment or sick benefit, from UWV, • copy of your identity card, • confirmation of your account number (document issued no earlier than 2 months before), • income certificate in Poland (required since 2015), • total period of employment in the Netherlands for a given year.

You can claim for refunding Dutch tax up to five years back (in 2018 for years 2013–2017).

The total cost of the service amounts to 150 PLN.


Health benefit Zorgtoeslag

The request for the health benefit for 2017 has to be made up to 31 August 2018.

You can also request for the benefit for the current year as soon as you have started working in the Netherlands. Required documents: • copy of the Jaaropgaaf(s) for a given year, • insurance policy/policies and/or list of insurance periods, • any salaris that confirms the premiums have been paid.

The total cost amounts to 150 PLN.

Individuals who ceased to work in the Netherlands and keep receiving the health benefit have to remember to withhold it. This service amounts to 50 PLN.

Expatriation allowance

Individuals who worked in the Netherlands can request for so called expatriation allowance which is additional benefit for the spouse. The request pertains to the last 5 years. You have to wait about 12 months to obtain the allowance. The spouse is entitled to receive the allowance if his/her income is very low or amounts to zero and you and the spouse are not registered at the same address for the minimum 6 months in a given year. Your partner cannot earn any income in the Netherlands. He should also have his own BSN number.

Required documents: • copy of passport or identity card (only if you do not have an account in the Netherlands), • your and your spouse's BSN numbers, • copy of the Aanslag tax ruling or Dutch income statement (if the spouse settled tax for a given year; if not, only Jaaropgaaf is required) • bank account (IBAN), • copy of marriage certificate (international trilingual version), • income certificate in Poland (required since 2015).

Note: if the spouse does not have his/her BSN number, the following documents are needed for the settlement: • copy of the valid passport/identity card of both spouses (for identity card – both front and back page; for passport – only page with the photograph), • registration certificate pertaining to the place of residence in you country (translated into English, German or Dutch), • copy of the Aanslag tax ruling or Dutch income statement (if the spouse settled tax for a given year; if not, only Jaaropgaaf is required), • copy of marriage certificate (international trilingual version), or • copy of birth certificate pertaining to the child of the family (EU version), or • copy of the notarial deed of the jointly owned property.

The cost of service amounts to 250 PLN (or 300 PLN for individuals who do not have their BSN number).

Kinderbijslag – the Dutch family allowance

Individuals who work in the Netherlands and have dependant children under 18 years of age can request for family allowance Kinderbijslag. The allowance is to cover the costs of living and child care. The request can be submitted at any time – the office will overpay the equivalent of the last 4 quarters back from the date of the request submission and then will pay regularly every quarter. Usually, the waiting time for this allowance is 3–12 months. To receive the family allowance for a given quarter, you have to prove that you worked on the first days of the quarter and that you have dependant children – the amount granted due to 1 dependant children should amount to minimum 416 euro per quarter.

Required documents: • copy of passport or identity card and PESEL [National Identification Number] of every family member, • name(s) and address(es) of employer(s) in the Netherlands and periods of work for every company in the last 12 months, • bank account (IBAN), • EU marriage certificate and birth certificate of children, • confirmation that family members have a common place of residence.

The cost of the service amounts to 350 PLN.

Supplement to family allowance Kindgebonden budget

Individuals who work in the Netherlands, have children under 18 years of age and receive family allowance Kinderbijslag can request for additional benefit Kindgebondenbudget (supplement to family allowance). The amount granted depends on the income earned, age and number of children. The higher the income, the lower amount you receive.

For the current year, you can submit a request at any time. For 2017, requests can be submitted by 1 September 2018.

The cost of service amounts to 150 PLN.

For more information on the settlements, please visit one of our offices around the country or contact us by phone or e-mail: [email protected].


The obligation to settle the Dutch tax applies to every individual who meets one of the following conditions:

  • s/he received a remainder from the office, i.e. the letter entitled ‘Aangiftebrief’;
  • s/he received a form from the office entitled ‘C-biljet’ (a paper book in a large blue envelope), alternatively the form M;
  • s/he did not receive any of the following letters, but paid more than € 45 of the tax amount (check loonheffing/loonbelasting in your Jaaropgave);
  • you want to apply for Zorgtoeslag or Kindgebondenbuget (usually the amount of allowance is higher than the amount of tax refund, so it is WORTH it). You should complete the required formalities to avoid any inconveniences and legal problems.


If you are registered for permanent residence in Poland and your life goes around Poland, you should settle tax in the Polish revenue service. For this purpose, PIT-36 and PIT ZG tax return forms should be used. Even if you received the tax return from the Netherlands or refused to have it settled, you are obliged to settle tax in Poland! You can ask our partner, the Legis tax advisory service, for advice on that matter. It specializes in PIT forms settlements in the following areas:

  • obligation to settle all foreign income in the country of residence (Poland),
  • tax relief when deducting tax paid abroad,
  • deduction: family relief for children and internet relief.


PIT settlements price list:

  • PIT settlement on your domestic income – 50 PLN (with domestic income of your spouse – additionally 20 PLN)
  • PIT settlement on your foreign income – 80 PLN (with domestic income of your spouse – additionally 20 PLN)
  • PIT settlement on your foreign income – 80 PLN (with foreign income of your spouse – additionally 40 PLN)
  • PIT settlement – refund of income tax charged by the Polish bank, connected with German pension or taxed independently – adjustments of PIT forms since 2008 – 80 PLN per year
  • VZM settlement – building and housing expenditures – from 150 PLN